Learning from Black Women’s Resistance

The Institute on Inequality and Democracy at UCLA Luskin is home to the Housing Justice in #UnequalCities Network (BCS 1758774), a network at the intersection of scholarship, global partnership, and the politics of housing funded by the National Science Foundation. The Institute hosted the Housing Justice in #UnequalCities launch conference in January 2019 and collected brief interviews by housing justice scholars who shared their thoughts on pressing issues around housing precarity (evictions, homelessness, displacement, segregation, informal settlements). Visit unequalcities.org and learn more about the Housing Justice in #UnequalCities Network and visit challengeinequality.luskin.ucla.edu to learn more about the work of the Institute.

Africa World Now Project interview with Dr. James Pope

We begin our program today with an update on current activities in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Mwiza Munthali, Africa World Now Project executive producer, human rights activist, and international journalist recently caught up with Kambale Musavuli.

“A consciência da população não vai permitir retrocessos, afirma pesquisadora”

"A consciência da população não vai permitir retrocessos", afirma Keisha-Khan Perry, professora-associada de Estudos Africanos da Brown University, nos Estados Unidos. Keisha faz parte uma delegação do Conselho Executivo da Associação de Estudos Latino-Americanos (Latin American Studies Association, LASA) recebida pela presidenta Dilma Rousseff nesta quarta (27), no Palácio da Alvorada.

“Preta Ferreira não morreu. Estão tentando matar um movimento pelo direito à cidade”

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Em entrevista ao Jornal Brasil Atual, Keisha-Khan Perry, antropóloga, ativista e professora falou sobre a luta das mulheres negras por moradia digna e comenta que racismo sempre existiu, com Trump e Bolsonaro os racistas tiraram as máscaras. #Racismo #Bolsonaro #Trump

The Choices Program - Teaching Tools for Understanding Brazil


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